Description: Attributes:Juridiction (JURIS)Annexation Number (ANNEXNUM)Ordinance Number (ORDNUM)Approval Date (DATE_)Maricopa County Recorded Date (ANNEXDATE)Arizona cities are statutorily authorized to engage in annexation proceedings in accordance with ARS §9-471. After determination is made that the proposed territory will serve the Town's interests, staff will analyze the legal requirements governing the geographic characteristics of the territory. These legal requirements are interpreted by the court as follows:A. Contiguity: Arizona law requires that the territory to be annexed shall adjoin the boundary of the annexing city for at least 300 feet. This provision does not apply if the territory considered for annexation is surrounded by the annexing city on at least three (3) sides.B. Size and Shape: The size and shape of the parcel to be annexed must be a minimum of 200 feet in width at all points, exclusive of roadways and rights-of-way. The length of the parcel is measured from where the territory adjoins the annexing city and cannot be more than twice the width of the annexed territory. The width of the parcel may be measured at the greatest width for purposes determining compliance with length and width requirements (Attorney General Opinion 87-160). These length and width requirements do not apply if the territory considered for annexation is surrounded by the annexing city on at least three (3) sides.C. Creating County Islands: A city may not annex territory if, as a result of the annexation, unincorporated territory is completely surrounded by the annexing city. That is, an annexation cannot result in the creation of a county island.D. Zoning: Once the annexation ordinance has been adopted, city zoning must be adopted. However, the zoning classification which is adopted cannot permit densities or uses greater than those permitted by the county immediately before annexation.E. Effective Date: The annexation is final 30 days from the adoption of the ordinance annexing the property, subject to the review of the Maricopa County Superior Court pursuant to ARS § 9-471C. When the annexation is final, the Town Clerk shall record the annexation ordinance.
Copyright Text: Town of Gilbert Planning Department, Town of Gilbert GIS Department
Description: Attributes:Character Area Name (NAME)Gilbert Character Areas are intended to define unique areas of the Gilbert Planning Area. The Character Areas are Heritage District, Gateway, Morrison Ranch and Santan. Each of the Character Areas has been previously adopted as a General Plan Amendment or specific area plan. The areas were done separately from each other and contain different goals and policies. Guidelines for each Character Area are specific to each area. These do not replace the land use policies or map designations in other parts of the General Plan, but merely provide definition and detail.
Copyright Text: Town of Gilbert Planning Department, Town of Gilbert GIS Department
Description: Attributes:Landuse Classifications (LU_CLASS)The densities in the Land Use Element are based on gross land area. Gross land area includes open space and recreation areas, street rights-of-way, drainage areas and schools, if dedicated, within the boundaries of the development. The land use classification boundaries follow property lines, drainage corridors, canals, streets and Town limits. Where development exists, these demarcation lines are precise and variations are not allowed unless the Land Use Map is amended. Where development is proposed on vacant land, the Planning Commission may approve a reconfiguration of the boundaries of the various land use classifications to form a viable neighborhood design, as long as there is no net change in the amount of land in each classification.Residential Classifications Residential >0-1 Dwelling Units per Acre (DU/AC) The Residential >0-1 DU/AC classification designates areas for very low-density single-family residential development of a semi-rural character. Non-commercial agricultural uses may be located in these areas. (Typical corresponding zoning districts with this land use classification: SF-43, SF-35). Residential >1-2 DU/AC The Residential >1-2 DU/AC classification designates areas for low-density single-family residential neighborhood development. (Typical corresponding zoning districts with this land use classification: SF-35, SF-15). Residential >2-3.5 DU/AC The Residential >2-3.5 DU/AC classification designates areas for suburban single-family residential neighborhood development. (Typical corresponding zoning districts with this land use classification: SF-15, SF-10, SF-8, SF-7).Residential >3.5-5 DU/AC The Residential >3.5-5 DU/AC classification designates areas for urban density single-family neighborhood residential development. (Typical corresponding zoning districts with this land use classification: SF-10, SF-8, SF-7, SF-6). Residential >5-8 DU/AC The Residential >5-8 DU/AC classification designates areas for higher density detached and attached residential uses. (Typical corresponding zoning districts with this land use classification: SF-6, SF-D, SF-A). Residential >8-14 DU/AC The Residential >8-14 DU/AC classification designates areas for higher density, often multifamily, residential uses. (Typical corresponding zoning districts with this land use classification: SF-D, SF-A, MF/L). Residential >14-25 DU/AC The Residential >14-25 DU/AC classification designates areas for higher density multifamily residential uses such as condominiums, multi-story apartments and specialty residential uses. (Typical corresponding zoning district with this land use classification: MF-M). Residential >25-50 DU/AC The Residential >25-50 DU/AC classification designates areas for very high density, multifamily residential uses including multi-story apartments, condominium, townhouse, loft apartment and congregate care/senior living product types. (This density may be permitted in the Heritage Village Center (HVC) and the Gateway Village Center (GVC) zoning districts). Commercial Classifications Neighborhood Commercial (NC) The Neighborhood Commercial classification designates areas for limited shopping and basic services for the immediate area and are generally no larger than five (5) acres in size. Neighborhood Commercial uses are typically, but not always, located along major collectors or arterials. Small scale retail and service uses under 25,000 square feet per user or stand-alone building are permitted.Community Commercial (CC) Community Commercial areas provide the commercial and service needs of residents in the surrounding area. These parcels are typically located along arterials, range in size between five (5) and fifteen (15) acres and a single user or stand-alone building under 50,000 square feet is permitted. Loft residential and mixed-used development is allowed within this zoning category. Shopping Center (SC) The Shopping Center classification designates areas for many of the commercial needs of residents in the surrounding area and within the site if designed as a mixed-use project. Shopping Centers are typically located at arterial intersections. Shopping Center designations are anchored by a grocery store or other medium scale uses under 75,000 square feet per user or stand-alone building and are developed under unified control with a common architectural theme and shared parking. Shopping Centers are typically located on a parcel between fifteen (15) and forty (40) acres and may be developed as a mixed-use project. Village Center (VC) The Village Center classification designates areas for classical mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented core activities which consist of retail shops, restaurants, offices, lodging, entertainment, public plazas and very high density residential units. Village Center offers the opportunity for diverse patronage served by all modes of transportation. The pedestrian oriented core will initially be served by shared parking lots and ultimately by shared parking structures. Residential uses within the Village Center area will range up to 50 du/acre, often with commercial or office uses on the ground floor. General Commercial (GC) The General Commercial classification designates areas for freestanding retail, office and commercial uses that may be developed as individual projects or as a mixed-use development with loft residential as an option. General Commercial provides locations for uses of any scale, including large-scale uses over 75,000 square feet such as home improvement stores, large specialty retail, auto dealers and retail nurseries. Properties of any size may be designated as General Commercial. General Commercial parcels are located along arterial streets. Regional Commercial (RC) The Regional Commercial classification designates areas for a broad range of high intensity uses emphasizing retail commercial uses. There is no maximum size for any use. The designation includes uses permitted in all other commercial categories plus regional shopping centers, hospital/medical centers, hotels/motels and mixed-use developments. The Regional Commercial classification may also accommodate high density residential development where residential uses are closely integrated with retail/office uses in a compact development containing urban amenities. Regional Commercial serves a broad market area larger than the Town. Regional Commercial designations are thirty or more acres and are located at freeway/arterial intersections or at intersections of arterials with Roads of Regional Significance. Employment Classifications Neighborhood Office (NO) The Neighborhood Office classification designates areas for small-scale, single story office uses and complexes adjacent to existing or planned neighborhoods. It is a transitional classification between residential and more intense commercial uses and can buffer residential uses from arterial streets. General Office (GO) The General Office classification designates areas for large scale, single or multi-story medical, professional, general or service-type office uses. The only residential land uses allowed within the General Office classification are loft units above non-residential within a mixed-use project. Business Park (BP) The Business Park classification designates areas for office and light industrial uses, including high technology and research and development firms. This classification encourages an attractive campus-style environment. Developments within this classification may include employee-oriented, on-site amenities, loft residential and accessory uses allowing for a mixed-use environment. Light Industrial (LI) The Light Industrial classification designates areas for a variety of light industrial uses, including assembly, light manufacturing, warehousing, offices, contractors’ yards, laboratories, and research and development firms. Outside storage fully screened from public view is permitted. General Industrial (GI) The General Industrial classification designates areas for general industrial uses, including but not limited to heavy utility, truck terminals and manufacturing facilities, in which outdoor storage of materials, equipment and vehicles is permitted. Municipal/Institutional Classifications Public Facility/Institutional (PF/I) The Public Facility/Institutional classification designates areas for public and quasi-public ownership, including administrative offices, corporation yards, police and fire stations, public and private schools, colleges, hospitals, libraries, post office facilities, cultural centers and similar uses. This category also includes traditional utility service uses such as wastewater treatment plants, water treatment plants, storage reservoirs and tanks, well sites, telephone company sites, electric substation sites, electric generating/receiving stations, etc. Parks/Retention (P/R) The Parks/Retention classification designates areas for parks, riparian areas, and drainage corridor/wash areas that will remain in public or open space use whether publicly or privately owned. Utility/Transportation Corridor (U/TC) The Utility/Transportation Corridor classification designates areas for canals, railroads, light rail, power lines, utility easements and the Loop 202 Santan Freeway corridor. These areas may include multi-modal trails systems, open spaces and green belts. Golf Course (GC) The Golf Course classification designates areas for public and private golf courses, including ancillary functions such as maintenance facilities, clubhouses, driving ranges and pro-shops.
Copyright Text: Town of Gilbert Planning Department, Town of Gilbert GIS Department
Description: Attributes:Growth Area Name (Area_Name)In Gilbert, Growth Areas are focused on economic sustainability and therefore concentrated in employment and commerce centers. The developments within the Growth Areas should integrate a variety of employment options supported by a mixture of land uses. The Town of Gilbert strongly supports mixed-use developments. The mixed-use designation is defined as an efficient integration of non-residential and residential uses that cultivates a sense of community in a live, work, play environment. Destination mixed-use developments are encouraged within the Growth Areas, but may also be located in other areas that provide a multi-modal transportation network to support the intensity of development. The mixed-use environment can be developed horizontally, vertically or a combination of both. If designed horizontally, the Town expects that the project be constructed so that all land uses are represented. The Growth Areas within Gilbert each have their own economic focus, character and infrastructure. It is expected that mixed-use developments would be designed to utilize and amplify the Growth Area’s attributes. If appropriate, the high density residential component of a mixed-use project should be designed as an integral element of the development concept and produce a unique living environment distinctive to the project.Baseline Medical Growth Area Located between one-quarter mile west and one-quarter mile east of Higley Road and between US 60 and one-half mile south of Baseline Road the Baseline Medical Growth Area is evolving around the existing hospital and cancer treatment and research center. Medical offices, hotels and support amenities are all critical to the success of the vibrant growth of this area. With little vacant land remaining within this area, it is imperative that quality mixed-use projects be well designed to maximize land potential. The Town highly encourages the use of the Vertical Development Overlay Zoning District as a vehicle to achieve maximum density. Power Road Growth Area The Power Road Growth Area is located one-half mile west of Power Road, one-half mile north of Elliot and one-quarter mile north of William’s Field Road. The Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, directly to the east, is the catalyst for development within this area. With quick transportation access to the Santan Freeway and the Power Road Corridor, the focus of this Growth Area is industrial and business park employment supported by commercial shopping centers. Gateway Village Center Growth Area The Gateway Village Center is generally one-third of a mile to the north of and one-third of a mile south of Williams Field Road, from the railroad to the west and Power Road to the east. This area is planned with a wide variety of land uses in a "Village Core", pedestrian-oriented design with close proximity to future multi-modal transportation nodes. The area is the "Gateway" into Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport and the Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus. The village core focuses primarily on office and commercial employment opportunities supported by commercial and residential mixed-use projects. The Gateway Village Center, also known as Cooley Station, is part of the Gateway Character Area described in Chapter 10 of this General Plan. Central 202 Core Growth Area The Central 202 Core Growth Area is generally bounded by the Loop 202 Santan Freeway to the south and east, Ray Road to the north and Val Vista Road to the west. The Central 202 Core Growth Area includes the Santan Village Regional Mall and several retail power centers. This area is capable of supporting concentrated development comprised of a variety of land uses including commercial, high rise office, tourism uses and business parks. The area may also accommodate high density residential development where residential uses are closely integrated with retail/office uses in a compact development containing urban amenities. The use of the Vertical Development Overlay Zoning District is highly encouraged within this centrally located business core. Val Vista Medical Growth Area The Val Vista Medical Growth Area is located south of the Loop 202 Santan Freeway. It extends one-quarter mile west of Val Vista Road, east to Greenfield Road and Queen Creek Road to the south. The hospital is the economic catalyst within this growth area. The hospital, located southeast of the Val Vista Road and Loop 202 Santan Freeway interchange has spurred growth in the medical office, medical research and rehabilitation/care facilities. Support amenities to the above noted uses are quickly being developed. The Town anticipates that this area will continue to grow with medical office, general office and business park land uses supported by mixed-use, commercial and hospitality uses. Gilbert 202 Growth Area The Gilbert 202 Growth Area is located east of Gilbert Road extending one-half mile past Lindsey Road between Pecos Road and one-quarter mile south of Germann Road. This Growth Area is on the western boundary of the Town of Gilbert, adjacent to the Chandler Airpark. The Growth Area includes the existing commercial centers located at the Gilbert Road and Loop 202 Santan Freeway interchange. The primary focus of economic growth within this area is general office, business park and light industrial land uses that have a need for quick freeway access or proximity to the airpark. The Heritage District Growth Area The area is generally defined as one-third of a mile south of Guadalupe Road on the north, extends one-quarter mile to the east and west of Gilbert Road and one-eighth of a mile south of Elliot Road. The Heritage District Growth Area is the historic downtown center of Gilbert and is covered by a Redevelopment Plan. It is also designated as a Character Area within this General Plan. The adopted Redevelopment Plan covers land use, architectural character, streetscape and other issues specific to the downtown. It also sets forth a unique review process required for this area. The Heritage District is a prime location for infill development ranging from commercial, high density residential and tourism/hospitality uses.
Copyright Text: Town of Gilbert Planning Department, Town of Gilbert GIS Department
Description: Attributes:Maricopa County Recorders Number (MCR)Recorded Plat Name (Eng_Name)Date Recorded (Rec_Date)Plat map is a document drawn to scale by a licensed Engineer or Surveyor, showing the divisions of a piece of land. It gives the legal descriptions of real property by lot, street, and block number. It subdivides the land into lots showing the location and boundaries of individual parcels with the streets, alleys, easements, and privately owned tracts. Usually a plat map is drawn after the property has been described by some other means, such as a government survey. Once a plat map is recorded, property descriptions are defined by referring to the appropriate plat map. Arizona Revised Statute §9-463.01 (R), "Every municipality is responsible for the recordation of all final plats approved by the legislative body and shall receive from the subdivider and transmit to the county recorder the recordation fee established by the county recorder."
Copyright Text: Town of Gilbert Engineering Department, Town of Gilbert GIS Department
Description: Arizona cities are statutorily authorized to engage in annexation proceedings in accordance with ARS §9-471. After determination is made that the proposed territory will serve the Town's interests, staff will analyze the legal requirements governing the geographic characteristics of the territory. These legal requirements are interpreted by the court as follows: A. Contiguity: Arizona law requires that the territory to be annexed shall adjoin the boundary of the annexing city for at least 300 feet. This provision does not apply if the territory considered for annexation is surrounded by the annexing city on at least three (3) sides.
B. Size and Shape: The size and shape of the parcel to be annexed must be a minimum of 200 feet in width at all points, exclusive of roadways and rights-of-way. The length of the parcel is measured from where the territory adjoins the annexing city and cannot be more than twice the width of the annexed territory. The width of the parcel may be measured at the greatest width for purposes determining compliance with length and width requirements (Attorney General Opinion 87-160). These length and width requirements do not apply if the territory considered for annexation is surrounded by the annexing city on at least three (3) sides.
C. Creating County Islands: A city may not annex territory if, as a result of the annexation, unincorporated territory is completely surrounded by the annexing city. That is, an annexation cannot result in the creation of a county island.
D. Zoning: Once the annexation ordinance has been adopted, city zoning must be adopted. However, the zoning classification which is adopted cannot permit densities or uses greater than those permitted by the county immediately before annexation.
E. Effective Date: The annexation is final 30 days from the adoption of the ordinance annexing the property, subject to the review of the Maricopa County Superior Court pursuant to ARS § 9-471C. When the annexation is final, the Town Clerk shall record the annexation ordinance.
Copyright Text: Town of Gilbert Planning Department, Town of Gilbert GIS Department