Name: Growth_Areas
Display Field: Area_Name
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Description: Attributes:Growth Area Name (Area_Name)In Gilbert, Growth Areas are focused on economic sustainability and therefore concentrated in employment and commerce centers. The developments within the Growth Areas should integrate a variety of employment options supported by a mixture of land uses. The Town of Gilbert strongly supports mixed-use developments. The mixed-use designation is defined as an efficient integration of non-residential and residential uses that cultivates a sense of community in a live, work, play environment. Destination mixed-use developments are encouraged within the Growth Areas, but may also be located in other areas that provide a multi-modal transportation network to support the intensity of development. The mixed-use environment can be developed horizontally, vertically or a combination of both. If designed horizontally, the Town expects that the project be constructed so that all land uses are represented. The Growth Areas within Gilbert each have their own economic focus, character and infrastructure. It is expected that mixed-use developments would be designed to utilize and amplify the Growth Area’s attributes. If appropriate, the high density residential component of a mixed-use project should be designed as an integral element of the development concept and produce a unique living environment distinctive to the project.Baseline Medical Growth Area Located between one-quarter mile west and one-quarter mile east of Higley Road and between US 60 and one-half mile south of Baseline Road the Baseline Medical Growth Area is evolving around the existing hospital and cancer treatment and research center. Medical offices, hotels and support amenities are all critical to the success of the vibrant growth of this area. With little vacant land remaining within this area, it is imperative that quality mixed-use projects be well designed to maximize land potential. The Town highly encourages the use of the Vertical Development Overlay Zoning District as a vehicle to achieve maximum density. Power Road Growth Area The Power Road Growth Area is located one-half mile west of Power Road, one-half mile north of Elliot and one-quarter mile north of William’s Field Road. The Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, directly to the east, is the catalyst for development within this area. With quick transportation access to the Santan Freeway and the Power Road Corridor, the focus of this Growth Area is industrial and business park employment supported by commercial shopping centers. Gateway Village Center Growth Area The Gateway Village Center is generally one-third of a mile to the north of and one-third of a mile south of Williams Field Road, from the railroad to the west and Power Road to the east. This area is planned with a wide variety of land uses in a "Village Core", pedestrian-oriented design with close proximity to future multi-modal transportation nodes. The area is the "Gateway" into Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport and the Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus. The village core focuses primarily on office and commercial employment opportunities supported by commercial and residential mixed-use projects. The Gateway Village Center, also known as Cooley Station, is part of the Gateway Character Area described in Chapter 10 of this General Plan. Central 202 Core Growth Area The Central 202 Core Growth Area is generally bounded by the Loop 202 Santan Freeway to the south and east, Ray Road to the north and Val Vista Road to the west. The Central 202 Core Growth Area includes the Santan Village Regional Mall and several retail power centers. This area is capable of supporting concentrated development comprised of a variety of land uses including commercial, high rise office, tourism uses and business parks. The area may also accommodate high density residential development where residential uses are closely integrated with retail/office uses in a compact development containing urban amenities. The use of the Vertical Development Overlay Zoning District is highly encouraged within this centrally located business core. Val Vista Medical Growth Area The Val Vista Medical Growth Area is located south of the Loop 202 Santan Freeway. It extends one-quarter mile west of Val Vista Road, east to Greenfield Road and Queen Creek Road to the south. The hospital is the economic catalyst within this growth area. The hospital, located southeast of the Val Vista Road and Loop 202 Santan Freeway interchange has spurred growth in the medical office, medical research and rehabilitation/care facilities. Support amenities to the above noted uses are quickly being developed. The Town anticipates that this area will continue to grow with medical office, general office and business park land uses supported by mixed-use, commercial and hospitality uses. Gilbert 202 Growth Area The Gilbert 202 Growth Area is located east of Gilbert Road extending one-half mile past Lindsey Road between Pecos Road and one-quarter mile south of Germann Road. This Growth Area is on the western boundary of the Town of Gilbert, adjacent to the Chandler Airpark. The Growth Area includes the existing commercial centers located at the Gilbert Road and Loop 202 Santan Freeway interchange. The primary focus of economic growth within this area is general office, business park and light industrial land uses that have a need for quick freeway access or proximity to the airpark. The Heritage District Growth Area The area is generally defined as one-third of a mile south of Guadalupe Road on the north, extends one-quarter mile to the east and west of Gilbert Road and one-eighth of a mile south of Elliot Road. The Heritage District Growth Area is the historic downtown center of Gilbert and is covered by a Redevelopment Plan. It is also designated as a Character Area within this General Plan. The adopted Redevelopment Plan covers land use, architectural character, streetscape and other issues specific to the downtown. It also sets forth a unique review process required for this area. The Heritage District is a prime location for infill development ranging from commercial, high density residential and tourism/hospitality uses.
Copyright Text: Town of Gilbert Planning Department, Town of Gilbert GIS Department
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